Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In Agreement

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20 RSV

Christians know this quote from the Bible, and some may have experienced the power of two spirits in agreement during prayer. However, do you realize that the gathering of two or more people can lead to destruction, as well?

A scene:

Two Christian women agree to meet over coffee to discuss an upcoming project. Their instructions from the project leader is to organize the logistics of the upcoming event- that up until now has faltered in disorganization. Their intentions are pure, but the downward slope occurs when one woman starts to criticize the project leader for the mess. Then, the other woman starts to nod her head in agreement, and the ball is now rolling toward destruction.

Satan also wants us in agreement. Just as our agreement in the Holy Spirit can multiply God's Spirit in others, so too, Satan's spirit can be multiplied by agreement. Satan's spirit can multiply into fear, anger, judgment, pain and pride by spreading to more and more people like a tightly wound ball of yarn. Detangeling that ball can take days, weeks or months; or possibly eternity. The division this evil spirit spawns will be carried by all those who participated in the 'agreement' and will be perceived by those around us who know we are Christians.

If you need to vent, go to God; then wait. He will help you clarify and give you direction on what further action to take. He may tell you to forgive, or he may tell you to bring the criticism to the church leadership. Whatever he tells you, at least you will be in agreement with God and not with evil.

1 comment:

Joe90 said...

That quote is one of my favourites from the bible, along with the following:

'Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.'

Psalm 144 Versus 1 and 2.