Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Bush vs. Obama

John McCain opined to Obama during one of the debates, "Senator Obama, I am
not George Bush. If you want to run against President Bush, you should have
done that four years ago." But Obama did run against President Bush, or more correctly, he ran against the perception of Bush held by a majority of Americans, and no one perceived this truth better than Obama.

So, is perception Truth? Let us examine other Truths.

Perceive the truth of energy independence by forbidding nuclear energy, coal mining, clean coal or drilling for off-shore oil.

Perceive the truth of healthier capitalism by spreading the wealth among all members.

Perceive a balanced budget by utilizing increased spending and lower taxes.

Perceive an affordable health care plan for all without increasing payroll deductions.

Perceive 'cleaning up' Washington politics by a man who has been part of the 'Chicago political machine' for the last decade.

Perceive a 4,000 page bill posted on the Internet for "The People's" approval before signing into law.

Perceive a "Fairness Doctrine" that will shut down one news station and allow all the others to stand unopposed.

Perceive our next presidential election when illegal immigrants vote by virtue of their shiny new drivers' license.

There is one perception that is a fact - or truth. We will get change, but is it a change with which we can live?

History is no more than the passage of time, and this new administration of "Change" will too pass. With the passage, history will amend perception into truth about both our President and our President-elect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perceive 'cleaning up' Washington politics by a man who has been part of the 'Chicago political machine' for the last decade.

This right here is just a wrong statement. What if I said "Perceive leaving your child alone with a priest who has been part of a religion that many child molesters have come from"

Wouldn't be fair, right? So, it's not fair to tag Obama with any dirt just because of where he came from.