Thursday, February 04, 2021

Thy Will Be Done

Father – I no longer know what to pray. When we first began this relationship forty plus years ago, you promised me that whatever I asked, you would give.  Even then I realized my problems with trust and your desire to have me mature to trusting you no matter what. It’s called faith.

Lately, I have given up praying for what I want. I feel my prayers are vacuous and powerless. Am I that devoid of Spirit these days, or are you bringing me into a new dimension of maturity and wisdom?

You prayed – “Thy will be done” – and it’s that phrase that has been rattling around in my brain for the past few weeks. But you always directed me to pray with power and conviction when “Thy will be done” is a prayer of surrender – a true prayer of faith and trust.

I don’t know what your will is for my life. It’s the not knowing and praying for it anyway that is the true test of my faith and trust in you. Do I have the courage? Does your will fit my agenda, the world’s agenda or heaven’s agenda?  Is your will for the saving of the unsaved, healing the sick, warning the world, teaching the foolish, leading the wise or providing for the poor? I know it’s all these things and my heart has been set on these as well.

So, I pray Lord – Thy Will Be Done. Amen.

Joel 3

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